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My serenade

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Finally, after three weeks of inactivity, I'm finally able to attend one week of church service. Hooray! Defending the Faith. Funny and ironic that this phrase is always ringing throughout my life, but I have never been proactive in "defending the Faith" unless in my story writings. What really made people want to defend God when faced with slander towards Christianity or blaspheme towards God's love to us? The answer I have yet to really discover, but for now, I believe that (my personal testimony here..) we have all felt the strong and loving presence of the Lord in our lives. Be it in service, during care-group, during quiet time or any other time in the day whereby we give prayers, thanks and praises to God. I also want to defend this Faith of mine for I know that God promised us salvation, and that during judgment day, if we are righteous and faithfully steadfast to Him, we will live an eternity with Him.

Prayer meeting was really exhausting for me. However, I think it was worth it. To be renewed by prayers and faith. Sadly, I couldn't be able to make it for the "ARISE" event held at NYP next week. Boohoo.. However, I pray that this event will definitely be a success and that the knowledge of that God still loves us all will be able to transcend to more non-believers and to those who have yet to know God. I pray for them to be able to believe that God is omnipresent, protecting us and promising us salvation.
